القائمة الرئيسية


 Beethoven's life story,

Beethoven's life story,

Who is Beethoven?

 * The composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven, who is considered the greatest composer of all times, was born in the German city of Bonn, one of the principalities of the Roman Empire at the time, and although the date of his birth is uncertain, Beethoven was baptized on the seventeenth of December 1770 AD.  According to the law and custom followed at the time, infants must be baptized within twenty-four hours of birth,

 * It is likely that Beethoven was born on the 16th of December of the year 1772. This announcement will end during his 9th family. Beethoven had two younger brothers, Casper, who was born in 1774 AD, and Johann, who was born in 1776 AD, and Beethoven's mother was named Maria Magdalena Van Beethoven  And she was a classy and high-morals woman, while his father, Johan van Beethoven, was a court singer known for his alcoholism and love of music, as well as his grandfather, Beethoven, who was one of the famous and prominent musicians of that era.

 * He learned music. His father began teaching him music diligently and strictly at an early age. He taught him to play the violin and clavier, and Beethoven was an extraordinary and talented musician since his childhood.  Beethoven, who had struggled during his whole life, was an average student, and some biographers assumed that he might have had some difficulty in reading as well. Beethoven said of himself: (Music comes to me more easily than words), and that was in 1781AD and he was of age  Ten years,

 * Beethoven dropped out of school to study music full time with Christian Gottlob, and published his first compositions at the age of twelve.  When the Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II passed away in 1790, Beethoven, who was nineteen years old, had the honor to compose a piece of music in honor of the emperor.  His musical maturity At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Beethoven's musical maturity began to appear, and he began to compose one piece of music after another,

 * His first artwork

 * He published the series Six Quartets in the year 1801 AD, which showed his ingenuity and his influence with the work of Mozart, followed by many great and immortal works.  At the same time that he was composing the compositions in it, he began to suffer from problems with his hearing and that was in 1796 AD, and he was twenty-six years old, so he began avoiding talking to people until he completely lost his hearing in 1814 AD, and perhaps his hearing loss would be a little light.  If a person is not a proficient in music, because hearing is the basis, and losing it will constitute a major obstacle to continuing,

 * As for Beethoven, he composed the ninth symphony, and he showed it in one of the theaters and he heard nothing from it, but it was admired by many.  His death Beethoven passed away on the twenty-sixth of March of the year 1827 A.D., at the age of fifty-six, leaving behind the most famous and greatest symphonies until our time.
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