القائمة الرئيسية





 * This term was used for the first time in the thirtieth year AD, which is metaphysics, which is in Latin supernātrālis, meaning supra naturalis, and this term means those strange things that have no logical justifications for their occurrence and are not subject to the laws of nature, or which cannot be expressed  About it and describing it as a metaphor, or things that go beyond what we know of the limits of nature and logic,

 * In light of those Neoplatonic origins and the philosophical origins of the Middle Ages.  It is illogical and difficult to think and accept metaphysical stories, and it is more difficult to accept them as a science or one of the aspects of philosophy or theology, and this is due to the fact that any dependence on its opposite, which is the school of naturalism, means in the end that its opposite must be proven.

 * A lot of stories have been reported in the culture and popular literature that are related to supernatural and strange things and deeds, abnormal or astrological things attributed to the supernatural supported by the popular imagination, and this is not similar to those usual ideas prevalent in some Christian sects such as the Catholic doctrine, which believes that these  Divine miracles are among the most miraculous acts.

 Metaphysics in Catholicism:

 * In the Catholic doctrine, the meaning of the term metaphysics is completely different, as it expresses the grace of God that He bestowed upon humanity with a set of miracles, and for the occurrence of these miracles a goal, they come to elevate the person to a higher level of spirituality, including reaching a stage or a state  Hypostatic monotheism or personification, which is called the blessed vision and the so-called priesthood of the angels, and in the Catholic belief is often referred to as divine power, spiritual truths, or deterministic phenomena as supernatural matters from those who exclude the idea of ​​the material existence of God atheists or by those who adopt the idea of ​​the existence of God  Other and immaterial beings or those possessing freedom of will.

 Metaphysics stories:

 1- A lake that breathes: In New Zealand, there is a large lake that people think is breathing, this lake has an area of ​​80 km, and its depth is up to four hundred meters, and the viewer notices that this lake is already breathing as the human lungs, it rises and falls regularly every five minutes as a person asleep.

 2- A river that changes its direction by day and night: There is a river in Yemen that changes its direction according to the movement of the sun, as it moves from sunrise to sunset from east and west, and as soon as the sun sets, it changes its course to turn its course from west to east.

 3- The cut river: It is found in a small river in Iraq exactly between Basra and the marshes. It is said that this river sometimes rises more than usual, and then it is cut off for nearly eight years, and there is no explanation for this matter.

 4- A spring of fresh water in the sea on one of the islands belonging to the State of Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf. The locals get fresh water from a spring located in the middle of the Gulf, so the sailors go to this spring and the divers dive to fill the proximity with fresh water before it mixes with the salt water.
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