How many octopus hearts?
How many octopus hearts? |
Number of hearts in the body of an octopus:
* According to the World Animal Foundation, the octopus has three hearts, one of the hearts pumps blood through the organs of its body, and the other two hearts pump blood through the gills, and when the octopus swims, the heart stops pumping blood to the organs, which makes it tired, so it prefers to crawl Instead of swimming, the octopus has a blue blood color, because it contains a copper protein called Hemocyanin.
* Octopus is a marine animal famous for its round body shape, bulging eyes, and long eight arms, and these cool creatures live in all the world's oceans, but they are especially abundant in warm tropical waters, and there are some types of octopuses that live in relatively shallow waters, and most octopuses remain along The ocean floor, and other types of octopuses live in deep and dark waters and rise up at dawn and dusk to search for food, and they are animals that can swim backward, by pumping water through a muscular tube on their bodies called (siphon), and they crawl along the bottom The ocean, to search for food through the openings in its arms.
Facts about octopus:
There are many known facts about octopus, including:
* The octopus depends on its eyes to survive. It cannot make sounds, and it cannot hear. Octopuses have a skull, but they do not have any bones or a skeleton. There are over 300 different species of octopus that have been identified. Octopus is known as a smart animal, it works to release ink to help protect it from danger, as this ink works to confuse and confuse predators,
* Which helps the octopus to escape. Octopuses only live in the oceans because they need salt water. The octopus moves in many different ways, as it can walk, crawl, or swim, and when it is forced to move very quickly, jet propulsion is used.
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