القائمة الرئيسية


How to avoid problems with your husband,

 How to avoid problems with your husband,

How to avoid problems with your husband,

marriage problems :

 * Marital life is a partnership life based mainly on feelings of affection and compassion between the spouses, as the spouses share in this life, and each of them assumes his responsibilities, the husband's responsibilities are to provide for the family's needs and provide safety for them, while the wife takes care of the children and takes care of their cleanliness, and prepares food for her family  And others, and during this life the spouses live many situations and circumstances, whether good or bad,

 * It is worth noting that some of these circumstances may cause some problems and disagreements between them, and in this case the woman and the man must exploit their intelligence and employ it in solving problems as soon as they arise, and that the woman avoids everything that may lead to the occurrence of these problems,

 How to avoid problems with your husband To avoid some problems with your husband, you should follow the following:

 1- Do not compare your husband with other husbands from relatives and friends, because that makes the husband feel embarrassed and insulted, so you must appreciate what you have, and avoid looking at the blessings that other wives enjoy, so you must enhance the confidence and conviction within you that your husband is the best husband on earth.

 2- Stay away from stirring up conflicts and disagreements between you and your husband, as these conflicts start with very small problems and quarrels, then accumulate to be a big barrier between you, and it is worth noting that the continuation of these quarrels may lead you to separation.

 3- Reinforce the concept of discussion between the two of you, as this brings the two viewpoints closer, and reduces the possibility of problems occurring.  Ignore all the harassment your husband does and accept him with love and respect;  Because love removes any barriers that stand between you.

 4- Avoid anger and nervousness in front of your husband, for that is one of the most important factors that play a big role in strengthening the marital relationship between you, so you must remember that anger generates a loss of respect and hatred between you.  Keep a sense of humor and fun in the marital relationship, for these feelings are the basis on which a successful relationship is built between spouses,

 5- You should always be cheerful and smiling, and provide your husband with an atmosphere of calm and relaxation, as this greatly helps in strengthening the relationship between you, increases your husband’s attachment to you, and contributes to resolving all the disputes that confront you.

 6- Pay attention to the things that your husband loves, and that is through his sharing of the topics that he loves and desires, for example, follow the matches with him, exchange talks with him, and choose the types of foods that he loves, as they are very important things for him.  Choose the right time when asking for something from your husband. You should avoid provoking him or asking for difficult things from him when he is angry or just returning from work, so you should leave him until he takes a rest and his mood is in good condition.

 7 - Be sure to memorize your husband's secrets, and do not tell any of your relatives or friends about them, as this provokes the anger of the husband, and makes him distrust you.  Tips for a better married life You should follow the following tips for a better married life:

 "Appreciate yourself and your partner. Say thank you for the little things. Say honesty even if you are shy. Take care of your appearance. Strengthen relationships outside marital relationships."

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