القائمة الرئيسية


The importance of moonlight to creatures,

 The importance of moonlight to creatures,

The importance of moonlight to creatures,

The importance of moonlight to animals:

 * There are many benefits of moonlight for animals, including: Moonlight stimulates some types of coral reefs to release their eggs and sperm, and this happens immediately after the full moon phase.  Some beetles depend on moonlight to navigate and orient themselves.  Some birds use the moon and the length of the day to synchronize their migrations, as they reach the place of breeding together at the same time at the full moon phase.

 * In the winter, marine plankton rise to the surface in the Arctic region to feed at night, as they depend on moonlight for that, because sunlight does not reach them.  Salmon migrate more quickly and at less depths during the full moon phase, because moonlight directs them on the path.  Moonlight increases the production of gonadotrophins in some tropical fish, which promotes the maturation of gametes. Larvae of coral fish grow faster during moonlight nights.

 The importance of moonlight for plants:

 * There are many benefits of moonlight on plants, including: Moonlight helps some types of bare seed plants such as Ephedra foeminea to produce a liquid that shines when moonlight falls on it, which contributes to attracting insects such as beetles to pollinate.  Planting using moonlight, because some farmers claim it has a positive effect on crops.

 The importance of moonlight to humans:

 * There are many benefits of moonlight on humans, including: Some other studies have indicated that the level of the hormone melatonin (in English: melatonin hormone) is linked to the phases of the moon, which is a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake times. In the period immediately before and after the full moon, it takes 5  Additional minutes until he is able to fall asleep, and his sleep time decreases by 20 minutes, in addition to that sleep is less deep at this time, as melatonin levels are low.

 * Some ancient studies indicated that the light phase of the moon cycle is related to the menstrual cycle in women, and that the coincidence of the ovulation period and the occurrence of pregnancy during the full moon phase increases the rate of male childbearing, while the occurrence of pregnancy before the full moon phase increases the rate of female childbearing, but recent studies have opposed ancient studies  And it proved that there is no relationship between the moon on the one hand and procreation and fertilization on the other hand,

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