Who are the Arab prophets?
Who are the Arab prophets? |
The Prophets:
* God Almighty created people and commanded them to worship Him alone, glory be to Him, and He honored them by sending prophets and messengers to them. To show them the straight path, and warn them against polytheism, immorality and disobedience, and since the descent of the Father of mankind Adam - peace be upon him - to Earth, the revelation began, as he was the first prophet, then people multiplied and the earth was enacted, and nations and groups arose, so God Almighty chose among them the elite of his creation. To carry the message, and inform the Secretariat, and those are the prophets, true to the verse: (those who blessed them from the prophets of the descendants of Adam and of those We carried with Noah and Abraham's descendants, Israel, who Hdana and Ajetbina if recited unto them verses Rahman fell prostrate and wept).
Number of Arab Prophets:
* Sent God the prophets, missionaries and warners, where the Almighty said: (We have sent a messenger to every nation to worship Allah and shun the idol Some of the guidance of Allah and some of them suffered by the misguidance Walk the earth and see how was the end of the rejecters), and every prophet of the prophets addressed his people In their language, it is worth noting that God Almighty sent five prophets from the Arabs, and they are:
Ismail, Hood, Shuaib, Saleh, and Muhammad, may blessings and peace be upon them.
1- Ishmael, peace be upon him, is the Prophet of God Ishmael, the first son of Abraham, peace be upon him, whom God blessed him from his second wife Hajar, where he spent a long period with his wife Sarah without having children, so God Almighty called for the son to provide for him, as the Almighty said: Lord, grant me from the righteous * So we preached to him a sweet boy), God Almighty granted him Ishmael, peace be upon him, but jealousy flared up in the heart of his wife Sarah, and she asked Ibrahim - peace be upon him - to keep the baby and his mother away from her.
* So he answered - upon him the prayers and peace - to her request, and he traveled with Ishmael and his mother to Mecca and left them there, then God called for them, and returned as a migrant, as the Almighty said: God Almighty took care of Ishmael - peace be upon him - and his mother, as he blew up the Zamzam spring under their feet, so Hagar drank and gave her infant son, and they lived in peace, and after a period of time, Ishmael took them and settled them. - peace be upon him - the Arabic language, and he married them, so he was the first to speak classical Arabic, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - explained that when he said: (The first person whose tongue is clear in Arabic is fourteen years old.)
2- Shuaib, peace be upon him, some historians have suggested that the lineage of Shuaib - upon him be peace - goes back to the Chaldeans, and he immigrated from Babylon after God Almighty sent him to an Arab tribe called Median, who lived in Ma'an, located between the Levant and the Hijaz, so he lived among them and mastered their language and became one of them And Ibn Asaker says: (Umm Shuaib, the daughter of Lot, and she was one who believed in Abraham and migrated with him to the Levant). Cheating, and assaulting others,
* Whereas, a debtor nation was known for polytheism and deceit, and insufficient distancing, in addition to injustice, oppression and assault on souls and honor, and spreading vice and immorality, and amusement, tampering and aggression, confirming the saying of God Almighty: The measure and the scale, I see you well, and I fear for you the torment of an surrounding day.) But they disbelieved the Prophet of God Almighty and insisted on their disbelief and stubbornness, so God Almighty destroyed them with the shouting.
3- Hood, upon him be peace, Hood - upon him be peace - a prophet of God Almighty, and he is from the Arabs, where he was sent to an Arab tribe of the Arab Arab dynasty, which is the Ad tribe that lived in the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in the Al-Ahqaf region between Oman and Hadramout, and it was Hood - Peace be upon him - He lives among them and knows their language, their conditions and their problems, and God Almighty has extended many blessings to a regular people in all fields, as the Almighty said: (And beware of Him who has provided you with what you know and He has provided you with blessings and blessings)
* However, they forgot the blessings of God Almighty upon them and deny them, and they joined God through their worship of idols, and unleashed their passions and desires, so they became famous for arrogance, vanity, injustice and aggression, and they went astray greatly, believing in what God Almighty said: More powerful than us, or they did not see that God, who created them, is stronger than them, and they used to deny them in our verses.) So, God Almighty chose Him, the Most High, among them. In order to convey to them the message of God Almighty, and order them to monotheism and renounce the worship of idols, Hud - upon him be peace - did what he was commanded, and he provided evidence and proofs of the oneness of God Almighty, but his people disbelieved him, so God Almighty sent down his torment on them.
4- Salih, peace be upon him, Saleh - upon him be peace - was from the people of Thamud, and the reason for calling his people Thamud is due to Thamud. It is the scarcity of water, as they used to live in the Al-Hajar region, which is a region made up of a huge mountain range, which can only be climbed with difficulty and trouble, surrounded by moving sand everywhere, and water is scarce in it, and it is worth noting that the Thamud tribe is one of the Arab Arab tribes. , Which settled in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, specifically in the area between the Hijaz and the Levant,
* This tribe was one of the civilized and urbanized tribes, for they used to carve out houses in the stomachs of the mountains. To settle in it during the winter, and to establish homes in the high mountains; To inhabit it in the summer, and Thamud was known for mental and physical strength as well, and despite their mental strength and the blessings that God Almighty bestowed upon them, they worshiped idols without God Almighty, so God Almighty sent to them a good, peace be upon him, but they denounced him and mocked him and his followers, and insisted on Blasphemy until God Almighty destroyed them by the tyrant.
5- Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the last of the prophets and messengers, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib al-Hashemi al-Qurashi, was born in Mecca in the year of the elephant, and his father died before his birth, and his mother Amna Bint Wahb died when he was six years old, and he lived in Mecca under the tutelage of his grandfather Abd The demand until he passed away, then he moved to the sponsorship of his uncle Abu Talib, who looked after him, helped him and helped him until he died. He worked in Mecca during his childhood shepherding sheep, and in the youth he worked as a merchant.
* And he was known - prayers and peace be upon him - for his good manners. Quraish used to call him the honest and trustworthy, and although God Almighty sent each of the prophets to his people in particular, he - may God bless him and grant him peace - sent Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - to all the people, where he said: (And we have not sent you except a group of prophets. Most of the people do not know.)
إرسال تعليق