القائمة الرئيسية


What are the green industries?

 What are the green industries?

What are the green industries?

Environmentally friendly industries:

 * Environmentally friendly industries, or the so-called green industries, are defined as the industrial processes that are least harmful to the environment in terms of their emissions, wastes, pollution, and consumption of natural resources.These industries include recycling and reuse operations, and attracting environmentally-interested investments, through legislating policies and supportive initiatives.  For them, which enhance the progress of industrial production processes and raise the efficiency of their products, with the aim of developing sustainable economic growth.

 * The vision of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for green industry is represented by the possibility of establishing new industries that separate their economic growth and revenues from all that depletes environmental resources and causes their pollution, and resorting instead to the use of renewable environmental resources as raw materials and fuel, which results in  This results in a decrease in the percentage of waste from industries, reducing environmental and health damage to societies, climate, the environment, and workers in these industries. The organization expects that environmentally friendly industries will continue to develop and improve their environmental, social and economic impacts.

 Goals of environmentally friendly industries:

 * Environmentally friendly industries aim to promote more sustainable consumption and production patterns and preserve the environment, by providing goods and services that are not harmful to them, in addition to holding manufacturers responsible for the impact of their products on the environment, and the objectives of environmental industries are summarized as follows:

 Raise the efficiency of traditional industries.  Providing new production solutions, such as: the use of renewable energy and recycling technologies, and the production of organic food.  Paying attention to environmental analysis and prediction of environmental impacts, through specialized companies that provide consultations in this field.  Creating environmentally friendly services, such as ecotourism.  Benefits from environmentally friendly industries The following shows some of the most important benefits of green industries:

 * Going to markets: Increasing people's environmental awareness causes an increase in the demand for environmentally friendly products, for health and financial reasons, as these products are safe and do not pose a threat to human health, and the cost of their production is low.  Material savings: We will significantly reduce water and energy costs, and make resource use more efficient and sustainable.  Obtaining government support: As governments pay great attention to environmental issues, on both the material and the non-material levels.  Better productivity: Reducing or no harm to the health of workers in these industries increases their productive capacity.

 * Providing a healthy environment: by preserving the resources needed by work in these industries, for their use at the present and future time.  Challenges of environmentally friendly industries Green industries face many challenges, and the most prominent of these challenges are: Relatively low profits compared to various traditional industries.  Conflict of interest between green industries companies and traditional industries companies, which prevents them from working together, due to the different criteria for the maximum use of resources and taxes related to increasing carbon emissions.

 * The control of traditional industries on the chain of consumption and production.  The lack of clear policies to protect environmentally friendly industries, and only developing policies for the short term.  Weakness of databases related to the development of environmentally friendly industries, which makes it difficult to assess processes and opportunities, and to form effective policies that manage the sector.  The adoption of environmentally friendly industries at the national level may be detrimental to international markets for traditional industries that are not concerned with environmental standards.

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