القائمة الرئيسية


Dar Al Iftaa sets conditions for conversation between men and women through social media

Dar Al Iftaa sets conditions for conversation between men and women through social media 

Dar Al Iftaa sets conditions for conversation between men and women through social media

The Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa affirmed that mixing and dealing with men and women in schools, means of transportation and other public places is not prohibited by Sharia, as long as that is within the boundaries of Islamic morals and teachings, and the woman is modest in her clothing, and on the condition that the man and the woman abide by preserving the prohibitions of God in sight  And hearing and feelings, and to move away from the legal privacy that is only permissible between incestuous people.  The Almighty says: “Say to the believers that they lower their eyes and keep their private parts.

 The fatwa explained, on its official Facebook page, that with regard to the conversation between a man and a woman on social media: it is also permissible, but with conditions set by the scholars, which are as follows:

 1- That the conversation between them takes place as needed and within the limits of necessity;  In order not to be a cause of corruption and sedition.

 2- The conversation between them should not be a waste of time without benefit, so it is an entrance to the whispers of Satan.

 3- The woman does not send her photos to someone she does not know.  In order to protect herself and her dignity from being used by a delinquent in a way that harms her.

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