Who are the Book of Revelation
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Who are the Book of Revelation |
Revelation is a source that indicates concealment and speed, and its meaning in language is sign, hidden speech, and informing others of something in secret, as for its legal definition of God Almighty informing one of his prophets, and it is one of the characteristics of the prophets and messengers, and it is directly as in the speech of God Moses - peace be upon him - On the mountain, or by the angels who carry divine teachings to those whom God chose from His creation and they are the messengers,
* The Noble Qur’an is the revelation revealed to the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - through the wording transmitted by him repeatedly in memorization and writing, and the miracle of the Qur’an is considered a proof of his prophethood upon him, peace be upon him. The Book of Revelation is a collection of a writer, and the writer among the Arabs is the scholar, and from it the Almighty saying: (Or in them the unseen they write). These writers were among the best of the Companions, and they used to write on what they had available of palm leaves, stones, pieces of skin, patches of paper, and bones,
* Then the written is placed in the house of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - took care of writing the Holy Qur’an as well as his keenness to memorize it. He was not satisfied with preserving it in the hearts of the Muslims, but he combined his memorization in the lines with an increase in verification, control and diligence.
* This is an exaggeration in the control and precaution of the Book of God Almighty, and only the Prophet’s covenant was broken by the Qur’an in this manner. Writers of Revelation from the Companions and their number were the writers of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Writing had its prestige and value among the Arabs even in the pre-Islamic era, and despite that, those who know how to read and write were very few, because they did not need it in their daily life, and when Islam came, the Prophet - may God bless him - was able And he recognized - thanks to his policy of spreading education, until the number of writers who wrote for him reached nearly fifty.
* Since the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - arrived in Medina, it became the bastion of Islam and the home of revelation and its stability, and his companions helped him in running the state, and each of them formed his position. He had a number of guards, veils, ambassadors and others, and he had a number of writers who exceeded forty, and accordingly they became with different specializations. Some of them specialized in writing revelations, and others specialized in writing about the public affairs of the state.
* He used to write the revelation Ali bin Abi Talib, Zaid bin Thabit, Abu bin Kaab, and Othman bin Affan, and Zaid bin Thabit - in addition to writing the revelation - was the translator of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. As he was fluent in other languages such as Hebrew and Persian, as he used to write for kings and princes, and Ali bin Abi Talib used to write covenants and conciliation contracts, as for the needs of people, al-Mughira Ibn Shu'bah wrote them, and wrote the debates in the community, Abdullah bin Al-Arqam, and Mu'ayib bin Abi Fatimah recording the spoils And when any of these writers were absent, he used to write Handzalah ibn al-Rabi` on him, so he was known as the writer.
* The first to write the revelation was the first to write the revelation in Mecca from the Quraysh companion Abdullah bin Abi Sarh, and the first to write the revelation in the hands of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - in Medina was the companion Ubay bin Kaab, and among those who wrote to him in the sentence the Caliphs Al-Arbaa, Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam, Khalid and Aban Bin Saeed Bin Al-Aas, Hanzalah Bin Al-Rabee`, Mu`aqeeb Bin Abi Fatimah, Abdullah Bin Al-Arqam, Shurhabil Bin Hasanah, Abdullah Bin Rawahah, and this shows us the large number of books on him for the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Number of the Book of Revelation:
* The biographers differed in determining the number of writers of revelation, some of them made thirteen, and some of them exceeded twenty, and Ibn Katheer made them twenty-three as at the beginning and the end, and he listed their names and their translations, where he said: As for the authors of revelation and others, among them are the four caliphs. Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, and Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with them, then he mentioned: Aban bin Saeed bin Al-Aas, Abu bin Kaab, Zaid bin Thabit, Moaz bin Jabal, and Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam, whose name is Abd Manaf, and Thabit bin Qais bin Shammas, And Hanzalah bin Al-Rabee ', Khalid bin Saeed bin Al-Aas, Khaled bin Al-Walid, Al-Zubair bin Al-Awam, Abdullah bin Abi Al-Sarh, Amer bin Fahira, Abdullah bin Arqam, Abdullah bin Zaid, Ala bin Al-Hadrami, Muhammad bin Maslama, and Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan , And Al Mughira bin Shu'bah, may God be pleased with them all.
* The writer blames the covenant: The most famous writer of revelation, rather their imam and master is Zaid bin Thabit, may God be pleased with him, has been proven in the authentic hadith on al-Baraa: (When it was revealed: {The believers are not equal to the Prophet and those who strive against them) Salaam: Give me a supplement, and use the board, the pillor and the shoulder - or the shoulder and the bolt - then he said: Write (the bases are not equal)). In al-Sahih also, Abu Bakr and Umar - may God be pleased with them - chose him for the most honorable task that a person might undertake. It is the collection and writing of the Noble Qur’an. Zaid, may God be pleased with him, said: Abu Bakr said: (You are a rational young man who does not accuse you, and you were writing the revelation of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace)
* Ibn Hajar - may God have mercy on him - said that most of the books of revelation in Medina were Zaid bin Thabit, while in Makkah - that is, what was revealed before the migration - was written by other writers. Because Zaid converted to Islam after the Hijra, and because of his frequent dealings with and writing revelations, he was called: "The writer blames the covenant." Al-Bukhari also singled it out in his Sahih by calling it: “The writer of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.”
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