The fastest fish in the world
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The fastest fish in the world |
The fastest fish in the world Many scientific references classify the sailfish, or the sailfish, as the fastest fish in the ocean, with a speed of about 110 kilometers per hour while jumping, according to the ReefQuest Center for Shark Research. This fish is characterized by its length of about three meters, and its weight of approximately 58.2 kilograms, and its large dorsal fin resembling a sail is one of its most prominent features.
Information about the Sailfish:
* Sailfish is a type of marlin fish, which includes marlins, swordfish, and roundscale spearfish. Sailfish are marine creatures that prefer warm waters, and are found in the Atlantic and the Atlantic Ocean. Pacific, often living in groups, feeding on small fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods; Like an octopus, a squid.
Sailfish Facts:
* Sailfish can be identified through the following:
Sailfish are divided into two main types: the Indo-Pacific sailfish and the Atlantic sailfish, and they are found in the warm and temperate parts of the world's oceans. It is distinguished by the fact that its upper jaw is much longer than its lower jaw, which resembles a spear. The meat of this fish is tough, and it is not eaten. These fish are found in large numbers, and therefore are not endangered fish; So it is not protected.
Classification of the fastest fish in the world The fastest fish in the world can be classified according to the following:
* Swordfish: The swordfish, or swordfish, is classified as one of the fastest jumping fish in the world, with a speed of approximately 97 kilometers per hour while swimming, according to one of the calculations, while other results indicate that its speed is more than 129. kilometers per hour.
Marlin: Marlin is one of the fastest jumping fish, jumping at a speed of 80.5 kilometers per hour. Wahoo fish: Wahoo fish live in tropical and subtropical waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Caribbean, and Mediterranean seas, and is classified among the fastest fish, reaching a speed of approximately 77 kilometers per hour, according to scientists who They study its speed.
*Tuna: Tuna fish are divided into two types, namely: yellowfin tuna and bluefin tuna, and the speed of these fish exceeds 64.4 kilometers per hour.
Marine animals :
* Marine life is characterized by being very diverse, and replete with countless many types of living organisms, whether they are marine plants, animals, or even plankton and microorganisms, and despite the huge diversity in wildlife, the diversity of marine life far exceeds them, and marine animals are characterized by being It has unique qualities and characteristics that make it able to adapt to the various conditions in which it lives at the bottom of the seas, oceans and rivers.
* Especially since the seas and oceans vary and differ in the degree of salinity and temperature of their waters and the characteristics of life in them, and among the most famous marine animals at all are fish of all kinds, whales, seals, crustaceans, and turtles. Information about jellyfish The jellyfish is one of the famous marine animals, and it belongs to the mollusk family, specifically from the genus of cnidarians.
* It can never be considered a complex structure, but rather simple and its structural members follow invertebrates, as it does not have a head, stomach, or natural digestive system. The intestines of the jellyfish take over the task of receiving food, and water is the main component of its body, which constitutes about 95% of it, and it has an opening in the middle of its body which is the mouth opening. The jellyfish moves by a process of contraction of its body, then it straightens its body and makes free movements, and the tentacles help to move long distances amid the water currents. It is considered one of the oldest marine and terrestrial animals together, having been found on Earth more than 500 million years ago.
* There are many species of it, some of which live in the depths of the seas and oceans with a depth of up to 3000 meters, and some of them live at lower depths. It depends for its food on fish larvae and eggs, as well as on plankton and marine animal plankton, and it is one of the animals that appear frequently in the summer due to the abundance of food.
It has many enemies, as it is considered food for sea turtles and some types of fish, and it is one of the very poisonous animals, as it eliminates humans within a few minutes, and many of them cause allergic reactions as soon as they come into contact with human skin. Its sizes vary according to its species, as there are small species with a length of a few centimeters, and at the same time the length of the tentacles of some species may exceed more than four meters. There are some famous species, such as: Chrysaora sea nettle. Chrysaora melanaster type. Phyllorhiza punctata type. Aurelia aurita type. Type of fried egg jellyfish, Cotylorhiza tuberculata. The nomadic jellyfish is Cassiopea andromeda.
* Fish are considered among the vertebrate animals that live in water and are characterized by being cold-blooded, and there are more than 27,000 species of them, so they are among the most widespread and diverse vertebrates, and some of them live in salt water such as oceans and seas, and others live in fresh water such as rivers and lakes, and some It is small, with a length of a centimeter or less, and some are large and long, and may weigh up to fifteen tons, with a length of fifteen meters.
The world of fish and seas:
* The most beautiful colorful fish in the sea world is the clown trigger fish that lives in the tropics between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, specifically in Indonesia, eastern and southern Africa, and Japan. It is also distinguished as one of the rare fish. The mandarin fish, which shines in many colors, is characterized as a small fish found in salt water, specifically in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The poisonous lionfish belongs to the sea scorpion family, also known as the Turkish fish, the fire fish,
*It has separate spines and striped skin in various colors of brown, red, yellow, green, black, orange, white, and chestnut. The colorful emperor angel fish that lives next to coral reefs, and is found in abundance in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The nudibranch fish, which belongs to the soft-bodied mollusks, is characterized by having a shell around it after it emerges from the larval stage.
* A colorful Maghreb idol fish that is similar in shape to some butterflies, and lives in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The rainbow parrot fish that lives among the coral reefs on the sandy seabed, and was known by this name in relation to its mouth that resembles a bird's beak. The most deadly fish in the sea world is the pacu fish, which has a set of terrifying and strange teeth, and lives in abundance in the waters of the Amazon River, and its length reaches 55 cm.
* The giant soufish, also known as the sawfish, is characterized as the most dangerous fish; It transforms its prey in a short time into minced meat, and it reaches a length of seven meters, and has a huge saw that is eight feet long. The piranha fish known as the vampire, has two rows of teeth, reaches a length of four feet, and weighs up to thirty kilograms. The flat-headed catfish weighs 120 kilograms and is 1.60 meters long.
* The giant catfish that lives in the waterways located in Afghanistan, India and southern Asia, and may reach a length of eight feet, and its shape resembles a shark, and is characterized by having huge teeth, and a fast predatory nature, and it is called the lake shark.
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