The quietest room in the world
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The Redmond complex is located in the technology giant Microsoft, the quietest place in the world.
This standard camera is used for all of the finer tasks, including adjusting headphones and optimizing mouse clicks.
However, the company found the room to be too quiet for most people and no one could stay inside for more than 45 minutes.
A number of strangers who entered the compound complained of high breathing and unpleasant noises in their ears.
Speaking to the Daily Mail, Hundrag Gopal, Microsoft's chief human factors engineer and the man who led the team building the Anechoic Room, said: "Some people are coming for a while and want to leave now. Peace is shaking their minds."
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Gopal explained that the recording of accommodation in the room, which is considered the quietest room on earth in the Guinness Book of Records, is very short.
He also revealed that the complex itself costs $1.5 million, which shows how serious the sound design is.
Measuring 6.36 meters in each direction, the camera is designed to be as quiet as possible to allow engineers to adjust audio and audio equipment in ideal conditions.
The complex is surrounded by 6 layers of concrete, each 12 inches thick, which helps block out sounds from the outside world. The walls, floor and ceiling are covered with massive glass foam nails to eliminate echo.
The chamber is penetrated by 68 springs of vibration damping, which are installed on a special separate foundation plate, which separates it from the rest of the building.
The floor is made of steel ropes that are used to stop combat aircraft as they land on aircraft carriers.
“We work with engineers on every technical detail, from mouse clicks to shutdown computer sound. We capture even the smallest details that other companies ignore. We have 7 sound rooms in the building and more than 25 similar rooms in the company,” Gopal said.
The quietest room in the world.
The quietest room on earth completely isolates the sounds of the outside world, with all sounds frozen inside, making it an "anechoic" room in which no sound is repeated in any way.
This room in Building 87 in the Redmond Building in Washington, D.C. has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the quietest room in the world, with a noise measurement of 20.35 decibels or 20 decibels below the human hearing limit.
As soon as you enter the room, you will immediately feel a strange and unique sensation, hard to describe, says Hundrag Gopal, audiologist and room leader, adding, “Most people find the lack of sound deafening because they feel full in their ears. Sometimes I hear a ringing.” . Also, very faint sounds are clearly audible, because the ambient noise is very low, which allows you to hear the sound of the bones inside your body as you move, you begin to hear your breathing, which is often quite loud."
The noise inside the room is so low that it is close to the minimum sound limit set by mathematicians, i.e. no sound followed by vacuum or no sound.
To achieve this absolute silence inside, the room is designed in the shape of an onion, being isolated from the rest of the building and from the outside world. The room is made of six layers of concrete and steel and is somewhat separate from the surrounding building, and is placed over a set of arches that dampen the movement of acoustic vibrations. Inside the room there are clusters of fiberglass on the floor, ceiling and walls, the purpose of which is to break the sound waves before they are reflected back into the room, while the floor is also designed with a network of suspended sound-absorbing cables.
The noise inside the echo chamber is measured at -20.35 dB below zero, which is 20 dB below the human hearing limit.
These cameras are called "anechoic" because they do not emit echoes, because the walls automatically absorb sound without reflecting it back into the room.
Microsoft uses this camera to test switches and machines in a variety of products, such as consoles and computers.
“The camera was designed by Hundraj Gopala, a speech and audiologist. It took about a year and a half to build.
* Dope rooms are often built in symmetrical structures. Open to the general public in Orfield Labs, Minneapolis, this room features noise levels of 1/20 measured in a very quiet bedroom at night.
* Orfield Labs was named "World's Quietest Room" twice by Guinness World Records in 2004 and 2012, before losing the title to Microsoft in 2015.
* Two steel and concrete block shaped rooms separated by empty sound-absorbing layers. The thickness of the walls is about 30 cm.
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