Libra and Cancer compatibility
Compatibility between Libra and Cancer |
1- Libra woman and Cancer man
The percentage of compatibility and parity between them is weak because the woman of social features is mobile, and the opposite is found in the Cancer man, closed and unreactive. And his treatment is somewhat classic.
At the beginning of the acquaintance, the Cancer man is attracted to her, but then finds him confused about marriage and association.
2- Libra man with Cancer woman,
It will be a successful relationship at first, because the Libra man is attracted to her because she is humble and sensitive.
The Cancer woman is also attracted to the Libra man because of his high taste and also a good listener.
* Despite all that, you will find some penalties that stand in the way of the relationship, namely, that the scales are social and open, and Cancer is the opposite. The Libra may also suffer from a fickle Cancerian mood. She is not an easy person to spot
The emotional compatibility of Libra and Cancer
Horoscope experts estimated the percentage of compatibility between them and found it to be no more than 45%.
We find a passionate relationship. Although the ways of expressing it differ,
On the other hand, we find a clear discrepancy in the traits, so you find Libra superior to the secretive Cancer and very sensitive. Also, Libra is social and this is something that Cancer does not appreciate. Cancer loves control and prefers stability. Cancer is the opposite of the scale.
The compatibility of Libra and Cancer in friendship.
In the first relationship there will be understanding and attraction. In friendship, you find them cooperating and helping others well.
There is a difference between them in the aspects of friendship.
* You find that Cancer has many friends like Libra, but the difference lies in the Cancer’s increased interest in his friends, but the important Libra has the size of the circle of acquaintances around him.
* It is clear that Cancer is looking for time to spend with his friends, while Libra is looking for friends with whom he will spend his time,
Libra and Cancer relationship at work,
There is compatibility and agreement at work due to Cancer’s interest in Libra’s dreams and aspirations. Cancer is characterized by a good manner of speech characterized by tact and romance, and the Libra is adept at employing its capabilities, and loves success. Therefore, at work, they form a successful and brilliant team despite the pressures and difficulties they are going through.
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