What do you know about turkey?
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What do you know about turkey? |
Breeding turkeys:
* Turkey is known as one of the types of domestic birds that are raised to benefit from its eggs, white meat and feathers, and its original home is the North American continent, and the Red Indians are the first to raise turkeys before it spread around the world, and the number of turkeys raised annually is estimated Around the world with about 230 million roosters, more than a third of them are raised in the United States of America, while the former Soviet Union ranks second in breeding turkeys, and it kept about 48 turkeys annually,
* Italy ranks third, as it raises about 23 million turkeys per year, and the turkey dish is one of the most popular dishes prepared during special occasions, especially in the West, and currently it is the official dish that is served when celebrating Christmas Eve.
Breeds of Turkey:
Light Breeds:
* This strain is characterized by the abundant production of eggs, where the adult female lays between 100 to 130 eggs, and this category is classified according to weight, where the weight of the adult male ranges between 8 kg to 11 kg, and the adult female between 5 kg to 6 kg. Medium strains: The weight of an adult male ranges between 14 kg to 16 kg, and the weight of females between 7 kg to 9 kg, and the most famous types of this strain are the Dutch White and Black Norvus.
Heavy Breeds:
* Which weighs about 14 kg at marketing, that is, after 18 weeks, and the most famous types of this strain are bronze and Beltsville. Steps for raising turkeys Housing: Turkeys are placed in housing similar to chicken houses, except that the houses of turkeys are about five times larger in size.
* Since turkeys are among the birds that tend to graze, spacious enclosures surrounded by high fences up to two meters high and equipped with umbrellas to protect the turkeys from the sun's rays, with the provision of perches in these yards so that the bird can stand on it. Diet Heavy breeds usually consume about 350 grams of feed per day.
* As for the light strains, they consume approximately 250 grams per day. Breeding Before the start of the breeding season for the female turkey, a thick cloth should be placed and fixed over her back and sides, to protect the female from tearing the male's nails during fertilization, and in order to ensure the success of pollination and the production of fertilized eggs, the female and male must be placed in an isolated place once a week or once Every two weeks, according to the efficiency of the male in pollination.
* Hatching, the dwelling must be equipped with linens, which are dwellings that are made of wood and contain a quantity of straw, and sometimes they are replaced by clean sawdust, in order to put the eggs of the females in it, and it is preferable to collect them more than once per day to avoid breaking them, as the female does not lay eggs In the early day, like other birds, the weight of turkey eggs ranges between 80g to 90g, and the incubation period takes 28 days.
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