Tips to help get pregnant
Tips to help get pregnant |
* Marriage generally aims to have children, in order to ensure the continuity of the human race, and while some women conceive quickly, others suffer from delayed pregnancy, and because married people often want to have children as soon as possible, establishing the marital relationship close to the time of ovulation is considered It is necessary and helps to increase the chances of pregnancy, and fertility scientists have found that there are other ways that can help increase the chances of pregnancy and enhance fertility.
Ways to help get pregnant:
* Spouses can follow a set of tips that can help them conceive and increase fertility for them, including the following:
1- Weight control: This step would enhance the fertility of the woman, and thus increase the chances of pregnancy. When a woman’s weight is less than normal or if she suffers from an increase in weight, this will delay pregnancy. Although it is an important factor in fertility, it is important for women to maintain a healthy weight, says Dr. William Gibbons, director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Baylor College of Medicine. Based on one of the studies, researchers evaluated the BMI of 2112 pregnant women, and it is known that the normal body mass index ranges between 18.5-24.5, and they found that women whose body mass index ranged between 25-39 before pregnancy, that is, they are overweight Or obese, it took twice as long to become pregnant compared to women with a normal body mass index, while women with a BMI of less than 19 had a worse condition; They lasted four times the time compared to women with normal body mass index.
2- Reducing coffee drinking and abstaining from alcoholic beverages: Drinking alcohol and coffee in large quantities can weaken a woman's fertility, so the amount of caffeine that a woman drinks per day should not exceed 200 to 250 grams, and drinking two alcoholic drinks a day would weaken a woman's fertility By about 60%, therefore, it must be stressed the need not to drink alcohol during pregnancy, in addition to the fact that alcoholic beverages increase the risk of serious birth defects for the fetus.
3- Stop smoking: smoking can harm both a woman’s fertility and a man’s fertility. For women, smoking can affect how the uterus accepts an egg. For men, it reduces sperm production and negatively affects DNA, and during pregnancy it can increase smoking Chances of miscarriage.
4- Knowing the days of ovulation for the woman: The woman must know the time of her ovulation, and practice the marital relationship regularly five days before the date of ovulation and on the day of ovulation, that is, while the sperms are inside the fallopian tube during the ovulation period, this increases the chance of pregnancy . These six days are important because the egg is able to be fertilized by the sperm for a period of 12 to 24 hours after its release, while the sperm can live inside the woman's reproductive system for about 5 days under the right conditions.
* As for the time of ovulation, if the period of a woman's menstrual cycle is about 28 days, then ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day before the start of the new cycle, but ovulation often occurs before or four days after the middle of the menstrual cycle, and if the period was not at A woman is equal to 28 days, a woman can calculate the length of her menstrual cycle and the time of ovulation through a calendar for her menstrual cycle, in addition to the possibility of a woman knowing when ovulation occurs through the symptoms and signs of ovulation, including a change in vaginal secretions before ovulation occurs; As the woman notices an increase in these secretions, and these secretions are transparent and moist, but at the end of the ovulation process, cloudy and thicker secretions descend from the cervix, which are difficult to notice. The other sign that can indicate when ovulation occurs is a change in the basal body temperature, i.e. the body temperature at rest, as it increases slightly during the period of ovulation.
5- Practicing the marital relationship on a regular basis: The rate of pregnancy increases when the spouses practice the marital relationship on a daily basis or day after day.
6- Avoid bathing the man with hot water or using the sauna: Hot water can kill sperm in a man, so men who want to have children are advised not to use hot tubs, use saunas, or take a hot bath, and that men sit for long periods and work in an environment Hot would affect sperm production.
7- Relaxation: It is important to try to avoid anxiety, and to exercise regularly.
Pregnancy care:
* There are a group of things that a woman can do to take care of her pregnancy, and the most important of them are the following:
1- A pregnant woman should see a doctor periodically, and take care of her health and the health of her fetus, as this avoids premature labor, and the risks that may result from it, such as the sudden death of the child and the disease resulting from premature labor.
2- It is necessary for every pregnant woman to take vitamin B or what is known as folic acid before and during pregnancy, as folic acid protects the fetus from birth defects.
3- Quit smoking, and this step is one of the most important preventive steps during pregnancy to prevent infection of the fetus and the mother of any diseases during pregnancy. Not drinking alcohol.
4- Taking certain vaccinations after consulting the specialist doctor about that, such as the influenza vaccine, because these vaccines work to protect the pregnant woman and the fetus from diseases. It is important for a pregnant woman to maintain that her blood pressure is within normal limits, as high blood pressure exposes a pregnant woman to the risk of problems during her pregnancy.
5- Every pregnant woman must inform the doctor of the names of the medicines that she is taking, because some types of medicines are forbidden during pregnancy because of their effect on the safety of the formation of the fetus, and this also applies to medicines that a pregnant woman takes without medical advice and the herbal plants that the woman may take. Staying in a work environment that is appropriate for the healthy condition of the pregnant woman, because some work environments may affect the health of the fetus.
* The pregnancy process is an integrated process that requires the woman's body to produce an egg from one of the ovaries, then fertilize the egg by the sperm, and thus produce the fertilized egg that in turn travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus where it adheres to its wall for the embryo to grow inside, and any problem in one of these steps It can hinder the pregnancy process, causing infertility.
Infertility (infertility) means the inability of a woman to conceive after a year or more of practicing the marital relationship without using any kind of contraception, and because the ability to have children decreases with the age of the woman, some doctors begin to treat the problem of infertility in the woman who has passed The age of thirty-five after practicing the marital relationship regularly for a period of six months without the use of contraceptives and not after a year, and women who suffer from repeated spontaneous abortions for two or more times must see a doctor specialized in infertility cases for examination and receive the necessary treatment.
Causes of infertility Among the most important causes of infertility in women are the following:
Low egg reserve. Premature ovarian insufficiency (PCOS). Premature ovarian insufficiency.
Fallopian tube obstruction.
Among the reasons for male infertility are the following:
* Varicocele infection. The testicles were hit or hit that affected the production of sperm. Wrong habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking. Treatments used in treating cancer, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Diabetes, cystic fibrosis, or certain types of immune disorders, or some types of infections that affect the testicle.
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