Symptoms of anemia,
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Symptoms of anemia, |
Anemia :
* The term anemia refers to a decrease in the number or quality of red blood cells in the body, in other words, that the levels of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body are lower than the normal level, and in fact anemia is not a disease in itself, except It occurs because of a defect or deficiency in a certain place in the body, and this in turn leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues of the body, as the red blood cells carry oxygen through the hemoglobin protein to the parts of the body, which leads to the emergence of a group of different signs and symptoms ,
* The patient may not show any symptoms if the anemia is simple, but if the anemia is a chronic condition, then these symptoms do not appear until the anemia becomes worse, and it is worth noting that the person with anemia feels fatigue when exercising vigorous exercise; This is because the cells cannot carry the oxygen that the body needs, and anemia increases the heart’s pumping of blood in order to supply the body with adequate amounts of oxygen. In addition, anemia causes exacerbation of any health conditions the patient suffers from, and it should be noted that anemia is It is a common condition among individuals, especially in females.
Causes, treatment and symptoms of anemia:
* General symptoms of anemia, depending on the cause of the anemia, the person with anemia may not have any symptoms, and no symptoms may be noticed at first, as the anemia is at first simple and mild, then the symptoms become worse as the anemia worsens. General symptoms of anemia include:
1- Weakness and fatigue. Pale or yellowish skin. shortness of breath. Arrhythmia. Feeling of chest pain. Headache. Dizziness or lightheadedness Cold hands and feet. Low blood pressure upon standing, known as orthostatic hypotension, which may occur when experiencing severe blood loss, such as suffering from a heavy period.
Symptoms of anemia by type:
* The symptoms and signs of anemia vary, depending on the cause of the infection. Anemia may be caused by a chronic disease that conceals the symptoms and signs of anemia, and thus anemia is detected during examinations for other diseases.
* Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include the following:
Thinning nails and hair loss. Sores on the tongue. A desire to eat strange things like snow and clay. Hear ringing sounds in the ear. Symptoms of anemia caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12. Anemia caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 may not lead to the appearance of any symptoms on the patient, and some mild and minor symptoms may appear, and these symptoms include the following:
* Anorexia. Have diarrhea or constipation. Tongue swelling, redness, or bleeding gums. Nerve damage and exposure to harm, and this occurs when suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency for a long period of time, and among the symptoms of nerve damage is the following: Loss of balance. Problems with concentration. Confusion or changes in the mental state, that is, dementia in severe cases. Feeling of numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.
Symptoms of Mediterranean anemia:
* The symptoms of Thalassemia vary depending on the type of thalassemia, as these symptoms include the following:
* Leg cramps. Jaundice and paleness of the skin. Increased risk of infection. Skeletal abnormalities, which may occur when the body attempts to increase bone marrow production. Gallstones and an enlarged spleen, most likely in patients with hemoglobin H type.
Symptoms of sickle cell anemia:
Symptoms of Sickle cell anemia include the following: Swelling of the hands and feet. Having a life-threatening infection. Feeling of pain that lasts for periods extending from a few hours to a few days. Joint pain that resembles arthritis pain. Suffering from chronic neuropathic pain.
Symptoms of aplastic anemia:
* Some of the most common symptoms of Aplastic Anemia can be mentioned as follows: Ease of bruising and bleeding. Fever caused by infection. The appearance of small red spots on the skin indicative of bleeding under the skin. Frequent infection or flu-like symptoms.
Symptoms of lead poisoning anemia:
* Chronic exposure to lead poisoning can lead to some symptoms, including the following: Abdominal pain. Vomiting Constipation. Lead line appearance; It is a blue to black streak that appears on the gums. Symptoms of chronic hemolytic anemia Symptoms of anemia caused by chronic breakdown of red blood cells may include: A change in the color of urine to brown or red. Childhood growth deficiency. Leg ulcers.
Suffering from symptoms of gallstones. Jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and eyes. Symptoms of sudden hemolytic anemia Symptoms of anemia caused by the sudden breakdown of red blood cells can be mentioned as follows: Small bruises appear under the skin. Jaundice. Tummy ache. Suffering from symptoms of kidney failure. Epileptic seizures. Your urine has changed color to red or brown.
Symptoms that warrant a visit to the doctor:
* A doctor should be consulted when feeling fatigue without a specific reason, but feeling fatigue is not necessarily a sign of anemia, as the feeling of fatigue has many causes besides anemia, and if the individual was diagnosed with anemia and felt a worsening of symptoms such as chest pain Rapid or irregular heartbeat, and difficulty breathing, he must go to the hospital immediately, as these symptoms in particular can be a sign of heart failure, and in fact suffering from anemia often indicates a more serious health problem. , Such as: the presence of chronic internal bleeding,
* Therefore, it is necessary to see a doctor in the event that a certain group of symptoms of anemia appear, and having a family history of hereditary anemia is one of the things that require a visit to the doctor for genetic testing and other tests to be able to detect the condition, and it should be noted that people with diseases Chronic kidney disease, cancer, Crohn's disease, or AIDS, see a doctor if you notice any of the symptoms and signs of anemia, as previous health conditions cause anemia, and in general you should visit a doctor if The individual has been informed of his inability to donate blood due to a low hemoglobin level.
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