القائمة الرئيسية


 Why God has forbidden pork?
Why God has forbidden pork?

The prohibition of pork:

 The Almighty said: (Say: I do not find (in what has been revealed to me) that (145) is forbidden to be forbidden to a food that he can feed it unless it is dead or shredded blood, or the cream of pork is forbidden.)  Other meats mentioned in the Qur’an are forbidden due to a subordinate cause.  For example, the shah is permissible to eat it if it is slaughtered, and if it is dead or slaughtered for someone other than God, then it is forbidden to eat it.

 The reason for the prohibition of pork:


 * It is a seventh animal, a meaty herbivore, and it eats all things;  Litter, excreta and impurity. It is a predator that eats rats and mice, as well as carrion, even the carcasses of its peers.  Here lies its benefits, as it saves the earth from filth, as it is an animal broom, and its harm is due to the diseases that the pig carries inside its body, as they number (450) diseases, (57) of which are parasites that transmit to humans and kill them.

 * It is the main source of epidemic diseases, as its body contains (27) epidemic diseases. Pork also contributes to atherosclerosis as it contains a very high amount of cholesterol, unlike other animals, and leads to infertility, cirrhosis, and various cancers.  Viral diseases in pork nipah virus,

 * In Malaysia in 1998, the world got acquainted with this deadly virus, its symptoms are similar to those of influenza. Doctors believe that the virus infected a fruit bat, which in turn transmitted it to pigs, and 117 people died.  Medical follow-ups proved that all the injured had a close relationship with pigs, and accordingly, the health departments in Malaysia killed one million pigs.  Japanese encephalitis virus: infected birds and transmitted by mosquitoes to pigs, thus infecting pig breeders in East Asia.

 * This virus causes encephalitis in humans, and in some cases it is dead.  The encephalomyocarditis virus: pigs feed on rats and rats, which are a reservoir for this dangerous virus, so the infection passes from rats to pigs to humans, which causes inflammation in the brain and heart, which leads to the lives of the infected.

 Bacterial diseases caused by pork:

 Salmonellosis: Typhoid, Para typhoid, and food poisoning are diseases caused by Salmonella.  Bacteria erysipelas (bacillus anthracis): From welders and tanners, this virulent bacteria is transmitted, in the form of a red plate, burning hands, accompanied by high temperatures, chills and lymphangitis.

 * These diseases are in addition to flatworms, tapeworms, nematodes and roundworms that this abominable animal transmits to humans.  After all this, we stand before a miracle of the miracles of legislation, so you are blessed who said: (Good things are permissible for them, and evil sins are forbidden for them).  Science's discovery of these facts about pork proves the correspondence between our religion and modern scientific facts.
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