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What are the best sports for children

What are the best sports for children

What are the best sports for children

Best sport for kids:

   Endurance activities: The body increases children's endurance when practicing aerobic exercises, as the heart begins to beat faster and the child breathes stronger, and when practicing these exercises for a long time, the heart is strengthened and the body sends oxygen to all its cells, and examples of this type of exercise are:

   -Basketball game.  Bike riding.  skateboard.  Skateboarding on a skateboard.  football.  Swimming.  Tennis.  Walking.  Jogging.  Jogging.  Muscle building activities are not meant to improve a child's strength in lifting weights.  Alternatively, he can do exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises that help strengthen his muscles, and the child can also strengthen his muscles when he climbs, stands on his hands, or wrestles.  .

   Bone-building activities: Bone-building activities help support bone growth and reduce the risk of fractures. Children are advised to do this type of exercise at least three times a week, including: the rope.  Jogging.  Hiking.  Gymnastics, basketball, volleyball and tennis.  Flexibility Activities Stretching helps improve body flexibility, and allows muscles and joints to move more easily and in all directions. Children can do this when they simply lift their body to reach something moving.  Top of the cupboard, for example.

   Benefits of sports for children

   Sport has many benefits for children, the most important of which are:

   Reducing the percentage of obesity in children who exercise sixty minutes a day.  Higher levels of math and reading for children linked to increased physical activity.  Intellectual development is associated with increased physical activity, especially at a young age.  Help develop different skills when practicing fun sports that require the use of the senses such as sight, hearing, touch, etc.  The child's behavioral development in the classroom is related to continuous physical activity.  Aerobic exercise helps increase the size of major brain structures and a number of nerve connections.  Linking the development of emotional responses to exercise that requires a high level of balance and coordination.  Decrease in the percentage of symptoms of depression and stress in children who exercise regularly.

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