types of rocks
types of rocks |
Rocks are formed, destroyed, and transformed into different types of rocks within the so-called rock cycle. The most prominent types of rocks are:
igneous rocks:
It forms when molten material cools and solidifies.
Sedimentary rocks:
They form when loose sediments fossilize as a result of geological processes that have eroded rocks.
metamorphic rocks:
They form when parent rocks of any type are exposed to heat and pressure.
igneous rocks:
All igneous rocks were formed from the solidification of lava, molten fragments and ash either inside the ground or on the surface, where the lava, molten fragments (lava) and ash from volcanoes are called superficial igneous rocks; Because they were formed from the freezing of magma on the surface of the earth, but some other igneous rocks such as granite were formed in the depths of the earth, and these rocks are called subducted igneous rocks because they were formed from freezing magma in the ground.
Subducted igneous rocks:
They are formed by the slow crystallization of magma, either several kilometers below the Earth's surface in the form of sub-plots or large irregular plutons, or near the surface in fissures and fractures such as shallow, simple troughs in Neo-cutter or sills.
Surface igneous rocks:
Sometimes called igneous rocks, they form when magma flows on the surface of the earth or volcanic fragments rush either on land, as in Hawaii, or under the sea, such as mid-ocean recesses, where differences in the composition of magma, its mineral pattern, and the temperature of its crystallization affect the way it flows from the volcano .
Sedimentary rocks :
Sedimentary rocks are made of materials that accumulate on the surface of the earth; As the products of weathering and erosion, and other materials such as organic materials, the process of deposition of these unconsolidated materials in the form of different rocks is called ossification, fusion of rocks or cement. Underground sedimentation When sediments are buried, they appear on the surface by tectonic uplift or erosion of the covering material.
metamorphic rocks:
Metamorphic rocks are formed as a result of exposure of the original rock to heat and pressure, which leads to the formation of a completely new rock, where the original rock can be sedimentary, igneous, or even metamorphic rock. gnace.
crumb rocks:
Clastic rocks consist mainly of crumbs and remains of rocks that have been subjected to mechanical weathering processes, as they were transported by transport factors, deposited and accumulated on top of each other, and then exposed to pressure factors that led to their formation, and they differ in their types depending on the size of the constituent grains It has, beginning with clay granules that can be seen with a microscope, and ending with huge granules,
Among its types:
(English: Conglomerate); Conglomerate rocks consist of rather coarse, circular grains, often more than 2 mm in diameter.
Breccia rocks
Perisha rocks are similar in size to conglomerate rocks, except that their grains are sharp-angled.
Quartzite rocks:
It is so named because it consists mainly of quartz grains.
Greywacke rocks;
They are classified as sandy rocks characterized by their dark color, and they are called immature rocks, and they are composed of quartz.
(English: Mudstone); Claystone is composed mainly of quartz and clay, and its grain size is small, visible under a microscope.
Alluvial stone:
(English: Siltstone); It consists of small grains, which are known to be coarse compared to clay.
chemical rocks:
Chemical rocks are produced as a result of the accumulation of dissolved ions in the seas and oceans resulting from weathering processes, and when the water begins to evaporate, the concentration of ions increases. The melt that, as a result of accumulating on top of each other, turned into chemical sedimentary rocks.
organic rocks:
Organic sediments are formed as a result of the accumulation of plant or animal remains that have accumulated and solidified over time, such as coal, which consists mainly of carbon, and is formed as a result of the accumulation of plant residues in the absence of oxygen. It is one of the most important sources of energy; It is burned to be used as fuel.
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