The benefits of sport for mental health,
The benefits of sport for mental health, |
* The constant preoccupation under the pressure of work and study exposes a person to many physical and psychological disorders alike, which has shown the need for a period of rest, relaxation and contemplation, and other periods to practice various hobbies and start life. There is no doubt that exercise is one of the best ways to get rid of physical and psychological fatigue and restore activity and energy.
The psychological benefits of sport are several psychological benefits, the most important of which are:
1- It increases the secretion of natural opioids (adrenaline and endorphins). Which in turn is responsible for promoting feelings of happiness and contentment, and getting rid of frustration and anxiety.
2- Prevent depression. It enhances self-confidence, especially when reaching the required weight and improving the body's body. The rate of calmness, relaxation and rest increases, which leads to a comfortable night's sleep away from insomnia.
3- Tantrums are addressed, especially yoga, which achieves unity between body, mind, and soul alike. Learn patience, will, helping others and organizing time; Given its commitment to performing physical exercise.
4- improvement of social relations; It is a reason for me to get to know more friends. It gives a feeling of strength, the ability to complete the necessary activities and perform muscular and motor efforts without getting tired; Things that enhance the feeling of youthful life.
Benefits of physical exercise There are several physical benefits, including:
1 Practicing it regularly reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes. Because it strengthens the heart muscle and improves its efficiency in terms of improving blood flow and circulation. It also maintains the normal levels of cholesterol in the blood.
2- Prevent the symptoms of diabetes and high blood pressure. Play an important role in weight regulation; So that it increases or decreases according to the diet used and the type of exercise that is practiced. As such, it is divided into three training systems as follows:
* The special system for burning fats: in which a more calories are burned than the amount that the body needs daily.
* The system for increasing muscle mass: in which the body is provided with very high amounts of proteins, which sometimes exceed twice the body weight. In addition to a complete diet that contains all the necessary nutrients, such as: vitamins, carbohydrates, and energy. Fat burning system while maintaining or building muscle mass at the same time. This requires a very high carrying capacity. It strengthens the muscles of the back and prevents related health problems.
* Raise the rate of physical fitness (which includes endurance, strength, speed, flexibility and agility, balance and compatibility) strengthens bones and joints and prevents their fragility. It reduces the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.
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