Best sport for kids
Best sport for kids |
Endurance activities:
The body’s endurance increases in children when they practice aerobic exercises, as the heart begins to beat faster and the child breathes harder, and when doing these exercises for a long period of time, the heart becomes stronger and the body’s sending of oxygen to all its cells improves.
Examples of this type of exercise include:
1- Basketball game. bicycle riding. Snowboarding. Get stuck on a skateboard. football game. swimming. Tennis. Walking. trot. jogging; Muscle-strengthening activities Improving the child's strength does not mean that he lifts weights, but he can do exercises such as push-ups, pulling the stomach and other exercises that help strengthen the muscles, and the child can also strengthen his muscles when he climbs, stands on his hands or wrestles.
Bone strengthening activities:
* Bone strengthening activities help support their growth and reduce the risk of fractures. Children are advised to do this type of exercise at least three times a week. Examples include:
* Jump rope. jogging; Hiking. Gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, and tennis. Flexibility Activities Stretching exercises help improve the flexibility of the body, allowing muscles and joints to move easier and in all directions, and children can practice this when they simply raise their body to reach an object at the top of the closet, for example.
Benefits of sports for children:
Sports have many benefits for children, the most important of which are:
* Decreased obesity rate among children who exercise at a rate of sixty minutes a day. Linking children's higher level of mathematics and reading with increased physical activity. The association of intellectual development with increased physical activity, especially at a young age. Helping to develop different skills when playing sports that require the use of the senses such as sight, hearing, touch, or others.
* Correlation of the behavioral development of the child in the classroom with continuous physical activity. Aerobic exercise helps increase the size of major brain structures and a number of neural connections. Correlation of the development of emotional responses with exercise that requires a high level of balance and coordination. Decreased incidence of depression and stress symptoms in children who exercise continuously.
Children's exercise:
Just as it is necessary to build and strengthen muscle mass in adults, exercise is just as important and even more important for children, so that they can grow naturally without any defect in that, as exercise helps children build and develop different body cells, strengthen muscles and joints and increase its hardness,
* In addition to the positive effects on the child's psyche by unloading negative energies and tension, achieving satisfaction and psychological security, activating the child's mental abilities and intelligence, and contributing to determining the child's bedtime and regular sleep schedules.
Types of exercise for children:
* The child needs a varied amount of exercise on a daily basis, and combined for no less than an hour of time, taking into account that it is within the energies of the child and the limited capabilities of his weak body, without exaggeration or pressure on the child to exercise, and exercise can be converted into a game that parents participate in with The child, or they involve a group of children in it, with the aim of attracting the child to the exercises without resistance or rejection, and these exercises include:
*Wall jumping exercise:
- This exercise focuses on the muscles of the legs and thigh. This exercise is performed near a solid wall, with the need to have colored chalk, and its method is as follows: The child stands next to the wall, with his face facing the wall. The child held a colored chalk in one hand. Take the child's sitting position, by bending the knees inward.
* The child jumped to the highest possible point, by straightening the knees and pushing the body upwards with as much force as possible. The child raises his arms up while jumping, leaving a chalk mark on the wall at the highest point he can reach. A parent can start by executing the exercise to facilitate and implement it by the child. Rope jumping exercise This exercise focuses on all the muscles of the arms and legs, depending on the role of the child in the exercise.
*It also needs a strong and long rope to start implementing it. Two children stand opposite each other, spaced a little less than the length of the rope. A child holds one end of the rope. A third child stands at a point close to the middle of the length of the rope. The two children opposite each other begin to move the mountain in a circular motion. The child begins to jump as the rope approaches his feet in each circular motion. Switch roles between the three children, so they can all jump and spin the rope.
* Throwing ball exercise The child can perform this exercise alone or in the presence of a group of children, with the need to have a ball of good quality, by: The child stands far from the wall at an appropriate distance. Throw the ball towards the wall. Catch the ball when it bounces off the wall.
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